Monday, September 10, 2012


Recently, I was a winner in a super awesome giveaway from Lauren at Choosing Joy. I won a gift card toward Rustic Living, a cute etsy shop which makes custom pillow cases.

 I immediately ordered and choose this adorable half burlap pillow "when he and she became we" with our anniversary date below. As you can see our first anniversary is coming up so this choice was fitting.

Going to see how long it takes the Mr.  to read the pillow and figure it out. Should be interesting : ) What did you do to celebrate your first anniversary? I will be almost nine months pregnant so no wild nights for us, maybe next year. 


  1. awwww what a great win and choice! it's precious :)

    my first anniversary was this past november-- we got married the day after thanksgiving and have decided to always celebrate it on that day (though will always remember the actual date). It was our first thanksgiving away from family so we just made a dinner together with wine at home and you know what? it was perfect. :)

  2. That's so cute! I love the burlap :)

    But I really stopped by today to tell you that I gave you the Versatile Blogger Award!

    You can go here to read more about it :))

  3. ps. your cute baby bump is up on my virtual play date:

    seriously, how pretty are you so far along? so not fair ;)
