Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Instangram dump and great and not so great weekend

Our weekend was planned out so great, family fun activities all weekend. Now that it is the new year and we are still in dead of winter, holidays over, we've become a little lazy. I am sure it has a little something to do with a new baby schedule/not wanting to take her out during flu season but enough couch potatoes already!

Anyhoo, I got the idea to check out our local Sports/Country club so that we could workout and the kids could play in the activity zone & swim as a family. We  scheduled to go to the club on Saturday and on Sunday we had planned to go tubing at the ski slopes. My mom who lives close to the slopes volunteered to watch Bubbles (that is her nickname BTW, dh forgetting her name because she is called Bubbles so much is another story). We ended up getting the membership and used it on Sunday because it rained and ruined our tubing plans, we loved it! The Mr. and I worked out for 1.5 hrs and the girls had a blast in the activity center which has obstacles and bounce houses. They were red faced when we got them to go swim in the aquatic center, which made us happy because they got much needed exercise. They have so many activities we hope to utilize this year. 

When we were all getting ready for the club I realized my diamond earring was gone. Panic. I have lost 3 in 6 years, 3! How the hell they fall out so easily on me, I have no clue. Why the hell my loving husband keeps buying more, I have no clue. These were my Christmas present, my favorite, expensive...ugh! We searched and search and only found the back in the bathroom. I had to have lost it during getting ready, going to have a plumber snake it tomorrow but I have a bad feeling. I have the worst diamond luck!  To top it off the baby has her first cold. I've tried to be careful about taking her out and hand washing but it wasn't enough. I knew it would happen just breaks my heart to see her sick and upset. She has been super clingy and fighting sleep a lot because of it. Poor girl, Although she seems to being a tad better from the weekend. Heres to a better week!


Friday, January 25, 2013

3 months

Baby diva you are 3 months, 3 months!! Slow down you are growing wayyyy to fast for momma. Although, if there is such a thing called "infant honeymoon stage" I would think this would be it. Why? You are sleeping through the night! You start in your crib (but prefer by me) 10 pm -6 eat then back to bed till 8:30-9:30. Momma and Daddy REALLY appreciate that! You are focusing much more, smiles (melt us every time), cooing ...love the cooing, and growing!! Btw you crack your sisters up with your bobble head, screams and coos. Soooo happy to be your momma!

 Also, the colic/cry stage has passed! Amen.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Horrible accident

Yesterday in my area there was a sudden pop up snow blizzard lasting only briefly, but made driving very hazardous. It caused havoc on two of the highways and over a 100 cars and semis wrecked. They said in an instant it was pure white and visibility was 0, so even the most experienced driver would have lost control.

In one of the pile ups my cousin, Aaron, witnessed it all. Fortunately he was able to pull his car to the side and was unharmed, but a little girl he saw was not. Aaron and an off duty firefighter tried to give her cpr until help arrived but unfortunately it was too late. They are heroes for being a good Samaritans and risking themselves (other cars sliding) to save another, good to know that little girl passed with other humans fighting for her.

Rest in Peace Sammy, sweet angel 

I was driving on the same highway but on the east side of town, this occurred on the west. It could have easily happened to me and I just keep thinking about that and having my baby in the car. This poor little girls family is devastated I am sure beyond words. My family is praying for her and everyone else who was in the wrecks, God bless. Life is so fragile. 

My cousins interview 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chaaachaaaa changes

I've been so horrible at blogging, honestly every moment my baby is up I'm with her and when she naps I am knocking out my to do list. Or we have a grandparent watching her so we can go out for a bit. Also, having triplets and a new baby involves a lot of time management skills who would have thought? I wanted to remember things that have changed for me since becoming a mom. So why not blog about it? 

Somethings I learned/changed since becoming a biological mom (in no particular order) . 

Going to the grocery store alone is a treat!

Baby going to bed early so you and hubby can get a little "couple time " is always appreciated.

I am more in love with my husband than I have ever been. The way he holds and smiles at our daughter, the look of unconditional love in his eyes, gets me every time.

My makeup applications are a lot more messier.

I feel 100x sexier fitting into my pre pregnancy jeans, just because I birthed a human and can button those bad boys.

My daughter owns my boobs.

Baby addicts do exist and you find out whom after you have one ;). 

Getting all the laundry done and put up in one day is a major accomplishment.

Thinking about leaving her with a stranger (non family member babysitter) gives me anxiety.

I apprechiate the time my husband and I have kid free a million times more. 

I sometimes have to have a beer or glass of wine by 4 pm.

The absolute best thing in life...BEST..... are the huge baby smiles. 

I get excited over her number 2 diapers (this will change but since they are only every other day).

You learn more about your other children (step or not) when you have a baby, the one you may have thought isn't as kind hearted as the others? Actually is most of all. 

This is the best new chapter, everything else in life was just a preview....