Friday, May 17, 2013

New name , new look!

I've been wanting to change my blog look and name for some time now BUT I had NO idea where to start. 

I write mostly about the family and baby. I love to write about favorite products of ours and fun adventures the Mr and I go on as well. I feel like we live two lives, the family life and we want the exciting exploring couple life. It is so important for my husband and I to keep our relationship a priority and not get sucked into being only a worker for the family. 

Whats in a name? When the Mr and I first started dating we would go out on some dates and really dress up, we still like to when we can (but that is very rare) to keep the romance alive. Well once mommy hood came along full time and all of the things with the trips I started to wear yoga pants  A LOT so there is a running joke with the Mr and I.  He loves to shop for me instead of gift cards (which I love) so this year one of my Christmas gift was yoga pants & stilettos in the same box as a joke. 

So welcome to my new blog, Yoga pants v.s. Stilettos a question I ask myself every day. I'll give you a guess which one is winning lately, maybe it should have been yoga pants v.s. wine or AND wine, but that would make me out to be such a lush. 

A bunch of things are coming soon in the links so look out for them! Thanks for your support. 

Blog done by Whitney at Hearts & Arrows Design


  1. LOVE your new blog name and design!!

  2. Anything you name it, I'm gonna read it ly

  3. Love it!!! And I totally would save been ok with the wine thing! :)

  4. Love the new blog name! So freaking fabulous!
