Our family had a wonderful Christmas! I don't know why but this year was less stress than the others. Maybe it's because we knew we could play the infant card and made sure it was low key. Little diva is growing so much. She is a chunky monkey and the fussy is getting better. I actually can shower now and take a 5 min. break. The triplets are so in love with their little sister, the elf was a hit and we really played up Santa since they are 8 we figured this maybe their last year believing. I hope to get back to my regular blogging now that she is doing much better and mommy has more breaks! I hope all my blog friends had a wonderful Holiday, cheers to the new year!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
One Month
You are one month, one month . Where did the time go?
We switched you to soy formula because we think you maybe lactose intolerant.
You still love to nurse.
I can't get over your facial expressions and how you have laughed out loud since birth.
You have daddy wrapped around your finger, rightfully so you are his clone.
You are finally, FINALLY starting to sleep a tad better.
Your big sisters love taking turns holding you and one even likes to change your diaper.
Car rides are your favorite, when your belly is full of course.
Your favorite hangout spot is on mommy's chest, especially when she is moving!
You love the Christmas tree lights and laying under the tree.
We cannot imagine life without you Katelyn Renee!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Santa Baby
Merry Christmas from the Eastons ! Hope I get back to blogging soon. Life is still demanding with an infant.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Newborn (not so glam) life
Although I'd love to say my baby is always happy and easy going, I'd be lying.
Having a fussy newborn is HARD ...hard. I don't have time to shower let alone blog (It took me several days to finish this small post) We believe Katelyn has acid reflux, which we are treating this week. The first time we took her to the Dr they checked her physically and her weight, which was good. They said probably just colic and she will grow out of it. The term "colic" doesn't sit right with me when your baby scream cries in pain after/during feedings, chokes during feedings, spits up, hates being laid flat, makes loud breathing noises and only quiet when she nurses until she chokes again. If it was just fussy gas ok but not the other symptoms. She literally will cry on and off for 5 hours straight. We weren't even able to make it through her newborn photos :(.
We went back to the DR this week after a really bad weekend of episodes and they agreed to give us liquid Zantac to try. We have been on it for 4 days now, small improvement but not completely. Sadly, I will probably stop breast feeding also incase its a sensitivity or allergy and start her on hypoallegentic. It's hard not know what is wrong with your baby and the postpartum hormones are no joke! To top it off colds all through the house, including me praying she doesn't get it!
This is why I haven't and wont be around much till we get through this...AND WE WILL!
Having a fussy newborn is HARD ...hard. I don't have time to shower let alone blog (It took me several days to finish this small post) We believe Katelyn has acid reflux, which we are treating this week. The first time we took her to the Dr they checked her physically and her weight, which was good. They said probably just colic and she will grow out of it. The term "colic" doesn't sit right with me when your baby scream cries in pain after/during feedings, chokes during feedings, spits up, hates being laid flat, makes loud breathing noises and only quiet when she nurses until she chokes again. If it was just fussy gas ok but not the other symptoms. She literally will cry on and off for 5 hours straight. We weren't even able to make it through her newborn photos :(.
We went back to the DR this week after a really bad weekend of episodes and they agreed to give us liquid Zantac to try. We have been on it for 4 days now, small improvement but not completely. Sadly, I will probably stop breast feeding also incase its a sensitivity or allergy and start her on hypoallegentic. It's hard not know what is wrong with your baby and the postpartum hormones are no joke! To top it off colds all through the house, including me praying she doesn't get it!
This is why I haven't and wont be around much till we get through this...AND WE WILL!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Week One - Three
Mommy cannot believe you are already three weeks old & next week a month what ?! You look like your DADDY girlfriend! You are getting your mommy's lips though ;) .
You had your first Dr appointment and are gaining weight like a champ. You are a great nurser and also take the bottle good. You even tried to hold it up yourself at 7 days old! I guess you are strong willed like mommy.
We cannot get enough of you and no one wants to ever put you down. I don't think you are hardly ever not held. You make the cutest little faces and mommy and daddy have already taken thousands of pictures of your sweet face! I love dressing you up in all of your pretty cloths and your sisters constantly take turns holding you. You have thousands of nicknames already. I LOVE your hair! After baths it gets spiky and its so adorable!! You also smile and crack up all the time even if it is infant noises it is a crack up! Mommy has to get it on film! We just love you Katie boo !
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Birth Story
Little diva is two weeks old already! Mommy, Daddy, the trips and grandparents are in complete awe and in love. She has brought so much joy to us already that we can't imagine life without her. I am starting to feel more alive (minus the loss of sleep) so to come back to blogging I wanted to write my birth story before I forget.
Katelyn Renee was born via cesarian section Tuesday October 23, 2012 at 9:14 a.m. weighing in at 7.3 oz and 19.5 inches. She has a head full of beautiful auburn hair, long skinny fingers and toes.
Monday night I got around 1.5-2 hrs of sleep from nerves and excitement. I woke up around 4:30 a.m., took a shower and had a very peaceful walk with the dog, I was feeling extra alert and great (I assume adrenaline). The weather was beautiful high 70s even hitting 80s for so the morning was pretty warm for October. We actually were running a little behind because of last minute things before we left so that caused a little bit of stress but once we got to the Hospital excitement set in. When we checked in we found out there were a few er c sections that were in the OR already before me so instead of an 8 am surgery it was going to happen when one of the ORs opened.
When I got into my gown my nerves, lack of sleep and no food all hit me at once and before the nurses even ran an IV I felt light headed and nauseous. I also always have low bp and iron so that couldn't have helped.They gave me a cold rag and had me lay a different way which helped but I didn't fully feel better until they gave me a zofran and fluids through my IV. My husband and mom came back soon after the IV then it was the waiting game. My Dr came in to visit and I met the OR nurse, anestigiosits etc. I also saw my neighbor whom is a Nurse Anastegiologist and she seemed to be doing everyone else's surgery but mine she said the lady who was doing mine was perfect.
Once an OR opened things happened pretty fast, they told my husband they would come get him in 15-20 min as they prepped me and gave me the spinal. The NA told me that 50% of peoples blood pressure takes a dip and that it would cause side effects for me to not be alarmed. I knew mine would since I have always had low blood pressure and am slight anemic. As soon as she put the spinal in they laid me down and put up the curtain. I was part of the 50% whose bp dropped very low and then I proceeded to have the worst headache in my life, she told me to hang tight she was regulating it and it would be all over soon. As she was doing that the Dr and nurse were listening for the baby’s heartbeat and the nurse was having trouble finding it with the Doppler. It freaked me out because I thought something was wrong with her and I both after the spinal. I asked if everything was ok and the DR said yes just listening and he took the Doppler from the nurse and I guess found it because I don’t remember.
After a few I started to feel much better and my husband came back they told me they were starting surgery. I pretty much looked at my husband the whole time as the curtain was in my face. I could see his eyes glance over as I asked him if everything was alright, the DR and nurse said "ah ha this is why we couldn't find her heartbeat your placenta is anterior."
The Dr said "Look at this boy, no wait this head is too pretty to be a boy (full of auburn hair) what a beautiful girl." Finally I heard the sweet cry that would change my life forever. Then he brought her over for a quick peek. The nurses grabbed my husband to cut the cord and attend to the baby I heard them say her apgard score was 9.9, which was awesome I knew she would'nt have to go to the nursery and would be staying with us. They were cleaning me up and I was listening to my baby cry then finally my husband brought her over to touch my face, she was calm and so soft. It was the BEST moment of my life, I now know the feeling of truly being able to die for or kill for someone.
After surgery I held my baby to the recovery room where we did skin to skin and she latched on to breast feed. My husband was there looking so happy and when my mom came back to hold her for the first time she was "glowing" as everyone said. I can't even remember feeling fuzzy from the morphine I was just so happy . We were in recovery for about an hour and my grandma and cousin came back to visit as well. Finally when we went to our room we all settled and a few hours later the baby had her first bath. My Hospital did a study and said delaying the first bath is actually good for your baby because the white vernix they are born with coats their skin like a lotion, so I agreed to delay it. When they gave her the bath she was not happy! The only time she was happy was sleeping or on mommy's chest. We were all pretty tired but I think the medicine made me stay awake, they kept the drip in for 16 hours after surgery. Once they removed the drip and catheter I had to take the pain meds around the clock and was in a lot of pain when I got up. Mom helped me shower and my husband was great soothing the baby and changing her. She was perfect all her vitals and test came back normal.
When the Dr cleared us to go Thursday we were out of there. Hospitals come in and interrupt your sleep around the clock and aren't on the same schedule as the baby so we practically got no sleep. At least at home the baby was the only one doing the interrupting.
When I got into my gown my nerves, lack of sleep and no food all hit me at once and before the nurses even ran an IV I felt light headed and nauseous. I also always have low bp and iron so that couldn't have helped.They gave me a cold rag and had me lay a different way which helped but I didn't fully feel better until they gave me a zofran and fluids through my IV. My husband and mom came back soon after the IV then it was the waiting game. My Dr came in to visit and I met the OR nurse, anestigiosits etc. I also saw my neighbor whom is a Nurse Anastegiologist and she seemed to be doing everyone else's surgery but mine she said the lady who was doing mine was perfect.
Once an OR opened things happened pretty fast, they told my husband they would come get him in 15-20 min as they prepped me and gave me the spinal. The NA told me that 50% of peoples blood pressure takes a dip and that it would cause side effects for me to not be alarmed. I knew mine would since I have always had low blood pressure and am slight anemic. As soon as she put the spinal in they laid me down and put up the curtain. I was part of the 50% whose bp dropped very low and then I proceeded to have the worst headache in my life, she told me to hang tight she was regulating it and it would be all over soon. As she was doing that the Dr and nurse were listening for the baby’s heartbeat and the nurse was having trouble finding it with the Doppler. It freaked me out because I thought something was wrong with her and I both after the spinal. I asked if everything was ok and the DR said yes just listening and he took the Doppler from the nurse and I guess found it because I don’t remember.
After a few I started to feel much better and my husband came back they told me they were starting surgery. I pretty much looked at my husband the whole time as the curtain was in my face. I could see his eyes glance over as I asked him if everything was alright, the DR and nurse said "ah ha this is why we couldn't find her heartbeat your placenta is anterior."
The Dr said "Look at this boy, no wait this head is too pretty to be a boy (full of auburn hair) what a beautiful girl." Finally I heard the sweet cry that would change my life forever. Then he brought her over for a quick peek. The nurses grabbed my husband to cut the cord and attend to the baby I heard them say her apgard score was 9.9, which was awesome I knew she would'nt have to go to the nursery and would be staying with us. They were cleaning me up and I was listening to my baby cry then finally my husband brought her over to touch my face, she was calm and so soft. It was the BEST moment of my life, I now know the feeling of truly being able to die for or kill for someone.
After surgery I held my baby to the recovery room where we did skin to skin and she latched on to breast feed. My husband was there looking so happy and when my mom came back to hold her for the first time she was "glowing" as everyone said. I can't even remember feeling fuzzy from the morphine I was just so happy . We were in recovery for about an hour and my grandma and cousin came back to visit as well. Finally when we went to our room we all settled and a few hours later the baby had her first bath. My Hospital did a study and said delaying the first bath is actually good for your baby because the white vernix they are born with coats their skin like a lotion, so I agreed to delay it. When they gave her the bath she was not happy! The only time she was happy was sleeping or on mommy's chest. We were all pretty tired but I think the medicine made me stay awake, they kept the drip in for 16 hours after surgery. Once they removed the drip and catheter I had to take the pain meds around the clock and was in a lot of pain when I got up. Mom helped me shower and my husband was great soothing the baby and changing her. She was perfect all her vitals and test came back normal.
When the Dr cleared us to go Thursday we were out of there. Hospitals come in and interrupt your sleep around the clock and aren't on the same schedule as the baby so we practically got no sleep. At least at home the baby was the only one doing the interrupting.
C-section recovery is no joke. I was down the first week and if I tried to do to much I was in a lot of pain. It doesn't help that you just had a baby which calls for a lot of extra duties. We are blessed that my MIL and mom took separate weeks off to help with the baby and house chores. I still feel sore in my incision spot but each day I am feeling better. The Dr said my incision looks great and baby girl is healthy so we are all very lucky.
We are still learning schedules and along with breast feeding. The first week the nights were rough but this week she is starting to sleep more at night just waking up every three hours to feed. She is so beautiful and is my entire world feeling so very blessed!
We are still learning schedules and along with breast feeding. The first week the nights were rough but this week she is starting to sleep more at night just waking up every three hours to feed. She is so beautiful and is my entire world feeling so very blessed!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
She's here!!
Lil Diva made her arrival Tuesday 9/23 , 9:14 am 7 lbs 19.5 inches of perfect love !
Introducing ....
Katelyn Renee
Mom and baby are recovering well . Will be back to posting soon! Thank you for all the well wishes.
Introducing ....
Katelyn Renee
Mom and baby are recovering well . Will be back to posting soon! Thank you for all the well wishes.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Life Planner
I know you've read this exact post a million times but it must go in my blog.
Erin Condren Life Planner
I discovered this beauty just recently, before this blog, through another friend who blogs, whom I met through her blog, when we started blogging 10 years ago. Got that?! Sorry I wanted to see how many times I could use the "b" word in a sentence.
Could I buy a cheaper Target planner? Yes, but remember I get bored easy? Things have to be cute and have options to keep my attention! The Life Planner not only has options it has personal options. You can customize galore this planner from the cover, notepads, stickers and more. Cannot wait to order baby divas stickers with her first infant shoot! It has weekly and monthly planning options. I love filling out the following weekly schedule on Sunday nights and the monthly calendar feature so I can take a peek and plan ahead our weekends (with or without the triplets). Triplets! Pregnancy appointments and milestones! Need I say more? You must stay organized and plan with triplets and one on the way. Otherwise, divorce anyone? Totally kidding but it does help in the communication department.
I am a major list maker. However, my lists consisted of post-it notes all over the place, which I would lose or eventually throw away while cleaning out my purse or desk. Therefore, my favorite thing to do with it? CHECK off my to-do lists! I can make and reference all of my lists each week and month. Plus there is even a "goals" lists which mostly for me are more to-do list items for us when I run out of to-do spaces. I cannot lose these lists as I did before thanks to its beautiful sturdy binder. Would I get things done if I didn't havethis a planner? Most defiantly, BUT I love checking off my list while its all together and referencing back with my calendar in eye sight. I feel a great sense of accomplishment when my tasks are checked off. If I do not get something done I purposely drag it over to the following week each time (most always low priority items). My list does not consists of " buy boots, get a mani, massage,botox etc." Most of it is important family errands, bills, contractors, housework, family member chores, groceries, appointments, important telephone calls to be made etc. With little diva here, this list will only double! If the Mr. ever asks what do you do all day? I'll pop this baby out and maybe just because he asked, show him that pretend fun list first. Seriously, completing and having to-do list justify staying home for me a little bit. Would I still make lists if I were working? Heck yes, but now they are organized and I want to see my important duties for me while not working.
So what I'm saying is you have to get this Life Planner or your marriage will totally end in divorce. No, totally kidding but it helps in the communication department.
Erin Condren Life Planner
I discovered this beauty just recently, before this blog, through another friend who blogs, whom I met through her blog, when we started blogging 10 years ago. Got that?! Sorry I wanted to see how many times I could use the "b" word in a sentence.
Could I buy a cheaper Target planner? Yes, but remember I get bored easy? Things have to be cute and have options to keep my attention! The Life Planner not only has options it has personal options. You can customize galore this planner from the cover, notepads, stickers and more. Cannot wait to order baby divas stickers with her first infant shoot! It has weekly and monthly planning options. I love filling out the following weekly schedule on Sunday nights and the monthly calendar feature so I can take a peek and plan ahead our weekends (with or without the triplets). Triplets! Pregnancy appointments and milestones! Need I say more? You must stay organized and plan with triplets and one on the way. Otherwise, divorce anyone? Totally kidding but it does help in the communication department.
I am a major list maker. However, my lists consisted of post-it notes all over the place, which I would lose or eventually throw away while cleaning out my purse or desk. Therefore, my favorite thing to do with it? CHECK off my to-do lists! I can make and reference all of my lists each week and month. Plus there is even a "goals" lists which mostly for me are more to-do list items for us when I run out of to-do spaces. I cannot lose these lists as I did before thanks to its beautiful sturdy binder. Would I get things done if I didn't have
So what I'm saying is you have to get this Life Planner or your marriage will totally end in divorce. No, totally kidding but it helps in the communication department.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Whats in my Hospital Bag?
Before I start let me just say " I HATE PACKING" thats right, I hate packing. Always have, suppose I always will. I get this anxiety about leaving something very important or taking too much or too little, so I usually wait till the last minute. Even though I know "it can be bought if not brought".
I have packed for many vacations in my life but Hospital stays? Not a chance. I have been researching and researching what to bring. Each list has been a little different, so what do I do? I bring it all. Our 3 day (I pray only 3) Hospital stay will look like a week stay. It doesn't help the Mr. is a heavy packer also. Oh well there is always the trunk we can keep things in.
Here is a list of items I am bringing:
Big suitcase
2 pairs of a size larger Yoga pants
Nursing bras and 2 nursing tanks
breast pads/lanolin cream
under garments
comfortable socks
his & hers slippers
small fan
2 sleep mask
dry shampoo
tinted moisturizer
hair ties/brush
2 pillows
2 towels and toilet paper (heard to bring your own as theirs are awful)
feminine pads and wipes
trash magazines
travel boppy for nursing
Chocolate & Thank you cards for medical staff
A bag of snacks
Note of items still needed such as charges, Mr. things, and last minute toiletries
Note of items still needed such as charges, Mr. things, and last minute toiletries
Baby Bag (her diaper bag)
a few outfits, going home outfit
Aden + anais blanket
few diapers and wipes (I know they supply)
Baby genetics hand sani
Baby book (someone said nurses will stamp their feet for you)
burp cloths
cute bows, must have those
cute bows, must have those
Car seat
I think we are ready!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
My last week of pregnancy
Its official I am ending my last week of pregnancy! Next week we will be welcoming our daughter into this world! Here is a peek of how I spent my last week...
The week consisted of spending a lot of time with the girls. Date nights with the Mr. and lots of alone time together. Comparing my belly to the moon. Indulging in the best cupcakes ever. Rocking my VOTE & a deer hitting my poor car last night! Very scary and bad timing but little diva and I are safe.
I have a few post scheduled and will update about the birth when I can but as you can imagine we will be a little busy next week meeting the love of our life!!
This week was pretty gray and rainy but next week the weather is going to be wonderful! Perfect week to have a baby.
The week consisted of spending a lot of time with the girls. Date nights with the Mr. and lots of alone time together. Comparing my belly to the moon. Indulging in the best cupcakes ever. Rocking my VOTE & a deer hitting my poor car last night! Very scary and bad timing but little diva and I are safe.
I have a few post scheduled and will update about the birth when I can but as you can imagine we will be a little busy next week meeting the love of our life!!
This week was pretty gray and rainy but next week the weather is going to be wonderful! Perfect week to have a baby.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Fall Swap
I participated in another swap recently (love those things!), the theme was "FALL" so anything fall related. It is fun to be paired up with someone you don't know and to shop for! I was paired with the sweet Betsey over at Simply Southern, go check her out her blog....adorable.
On to the GOODS
She got me this BEAUTIFUL scarf and some smell goods from bed bath and beyond, I love it all! The scarf has beautiful detail and you bet I have already worn it.
This will probably be my last swap for awhile due to baby girl, but I highly recommend them, I bet there are a bunch of fun Christmas ones coming up!
On to the GOODS
She got me this BEAUTIFUL scarf and some smell goods from bed bath and beyond, I love it all! The scarf has beautiful detail and you bet I have already worn it.
This will probably be my last swap for awhile due to baby girl, but I highly recommend them, I bet there are a bunch of fun Christmas ones coming up!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Lilly is my sweet 2.5 year old peekaboo baby. She is smart, spoiled, shy, doesn't like men (besides daddy and her great grandpa) loves belly rubs, and is mommas shadow. Pretty soon she will not be the only little baby in the house. Fortunately, she is good with the trips (unless they were to steal her food) but she is spoiled and feels like she is on the same "level" as they are so we may have a little work. She has never hurt them and she is happy when they are around, so after a little adjusting I think she will do well with the new baby. I have heard stories of dogs and babies not doing well and people having to get rid of them. That would break my heart! It eases my worry a little that she has been around children her whole life. Her grandma (my mom) loves her as much as I do, so she will watch her for a bit when the baby first comes home, then we will slowly introduce the two when mom has the week off to help me when the Mr. goes back to work.
I figured Lilly would need a little extra love once the baby steals most of mommas attention so last month I signed her up for a monthly " Barkbox " which sends pets a box of goodies each month. She was pretty happy with her goodies, some more than others. It was cute when the mailman dropped it off it was like she knew it was for her, normally she doesn't make a fuss about the package just the man delivering! So far we are happy with this product!
In this month's box :
West Paw Design chewable toy (she didn't play with this, she normally likes soft squeaky toys)
LA Fresh wash and go wipes (nice and clean wipes I like)
Wag.com treats (she loved these)
Whole Life Pet dried sweet potato treats (she did not care for these)
Barkworthies power bar (one of her favorites)
Zukes dog breath bone (she thought it was ok)
Thursday, October 11, 2012
37 weeks
37 weeks
The questions are pretty redundant at this point! Here is my big ol' belly. At my 37 week appointment this week my weight stayed the same up 20lbs. I think she dropped just a smidge because the bathroom breaks have gotten even worse, didn't think that was possible! If I eat by or before 6 p.m. I am good, any later I feel big and miserable all night. Belly is measuring a tad small but no big deal. I think she will be a small 6 pounder like my mom and I were. We cannot wait to meet her of course! Her furniture is set up (big relief !) but no nursery reveal until all the decor is in place (which will be well after her arrival). I think I could write a book on nesting cleaning, scrubbing, & pitching the house is all in order and ready for lil diva's appearance.
I am now just taking time with the family, for myself and date nights with the Mr. before a new chapter in our lives begin..
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Meeting "The love of my life" & manic nesting
When I woke up Sunday (early after no sleep) I hurried out the door to get the groceries done and headed to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some household items. One of the workers was a lady who stopped me and wanted to talk about my pregnancy and asked if I needed help. You could tell she wanted a bit of a conversation not just your typical employee/customer chat. If you have been pregnant before you know at the very end you are kind of over talking about your pregnancy. I'll admit that I was annoyed and just wanted to be on my way so I could get home. I tried to be polite but also give her cues that I was in a somewhat hurry. At the end of the day I remembered our conversation, I told her how I was "nesting" and she told me that she used to have a rabbit whom when pregnant, her chest hair would thicken and she would use the shed for her baby rabbits nest to keep them safe and warm (how beautiful) then she told me be prepared to meet "the love of my life". So after feeling annoyed in the moment, later on I really appreciated her conversation with me. She told me to come back and bring the baby when we are out and about which I will most definitely do.
I have been manic nesting for about a month now. It comes and goes, usually in groups of a few days. Literally a bi-polar type feeling, I will have a TON of energy (I wish I could bottle) not need sleep and just prepare, clean, clean, clean THEN after a few days I could sleep for 12 hours and not want to move off the couch. My to-do list for baby and the house is almost completed and it really makes me feel accomplished.
My best friends recently?
I have been manic nesting for about a month now. It comes and goes, usually in groups of a few days. Literally a bi-polar type feeling, I will have a TON of energy (I wish I could bottle) not need sleep and just prepare, clean, clean, clean THEN after a few days I could sleep for 12 hours and not want to move off the couch. My to-do list for baby and the house is almost completed and it really makes me feel accomplished.
My best friends recently?
These bad boys! I am pretty sure their stock went up from this Northern Kentucky housewife, I go through a few of them a day. It is so bad that last night after I FINALLY stopped to break, I took a bath and there was one next to the bath which I proceeded to use and clean the bath and tile instead of soak.
These next two weeks I'd like to try to focus more on quiet time and alone time with the Mr. I could cry tears of sadness (and JOY) that this coming weekend will be our LAST weekend together without needing a sitter. We're going to try to make the most of it!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Our Fall weekend
This past weekend was one of the last weekends we will have with the trips as a family of 5. Pretty soon there will be a little one in the mix and we will definitely have a different schedule and activities for awhile. So we decided to soak up the wonderful fall weather and hit a pumpkin patch farm, apple pick, animal feed and go see Hotel Transylvania, which was really good. A lot of parents asked me about the movie because they were worried it maybe too scary for their young ones, this one is not. Very comical and a great story line, Paranorman? If your child gets scared easily I'd suggest you skip that one! Here are some pictures of our weekend.
Sunday my nesting bug hit pretty hard, it deserves its own post. Pretty hilarious folks! Hope you are smiling this Monday, I know I am. My nursery furniture is coming today!!

Friday, October 5, 2012
36 weeks
I will be 37 weeks tomorrow, guess I need to do these post earlier in the week, in my defense this picture was taken at the beginning!
How far along? 36 weeks
Weight gain? Broke 20lbs, up 21
Baby's size? Honeydew
Maternity clothes? yes, loving leggings thats all I've been wearing lately
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: The energy from last week? Gone! I am a sleepy baby this week.
Best moment this week: Going to my dr officially a 9 month prego getting checked weekly.
Miss Anything? Being able to eat again and not feeling like I just had Thanksgiving with it wanting to come back up :/
Movement: Very active I am surprise would think she is running out of room!
Food cravings: Anything cream cheese
Anything making you queasy or sick: Tomato-y dishes due to reflux
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: No, just a lot of the Braxton hicks
Symptoms: Acid reflux, sore feet, ribs, back, just everything ha I am a mess!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Lathargic this week and anxious for it to be over.
Looking forward to: Her due date of course in a matter of days/weeks!
Happy weekend, we will be busy with the Trips hitting up a pumpkin patch my fav!
Happy weekend, we will be busy with the Trips hitting up a pumpkin patch my fav!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Crock pot days
One of my favorite meals growing up was mom putting roast in the crock pot. Crock pot meals are the best thing ever, especially for bigger families.
Yesterday was a raining chilly day so I thought it would be perfect to slow cook one of our favorite meals.
3lbs pot roast (boneless beef bottom round roast or chunk)
6 yolkon (or red) potatos halved
small bag of carrots
one stalk of celery cut small
1 can of cream of mushroom
1 package of lipton's dry onion soup mixed with one cup of water
Salt and pepper to taste
2 garlic cloves
It should produce its own gravy but if you'd like thicker (like us) 1hr to 1/2 hour before serving whisk a 1/2 cup of flour and water into the pot stir leaving no chunks
Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours
I serve with dinner crescent rolls and sometimes over mashed potatoes leaving out the yukon
& this was a nice perk after dinner, she offered I accepted, isn't she gorgeous?
Speaking of rain I pulled out my new Hunters, when I saw they had purple and grey this year I died. My two favorite colors together <3
Yesterday was a raining chilly day so I thought it would be perfect to slow cook one of our favorite meals.
3lbs pot roast (boneless beef bottom round roast or chunk)
6 yolkon (or red) potatos halved
small bag of carrots
one stalk of celery cut small
1 can of cream of mushroom
1 package of lipton's dry onion soup mixed with one cup of water
Salt and pepper to taste
2 garlic cloves
It should produce its own gravy but if you'd like thicker (like us) 1hr to 1/2 hour before serving whisk a 1/2 cup of flour and water into the pot stir leaving no chunks
Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours
I serve with dinner crescent rolls and sometimes over mashed potatoes leaving out the yukon
& this was a nice perk after dinner, she offered I accepted, isn't she gorgeous?
Monday, October 1, 2012
FINALLY... October
October 2012 best month of all time! Why ? My daughter's arrival, I cannot believe it is actually here !! Only 3 more weeks until this pregnancy turns into a miracle.
Dear Baby,
The day I found out you were coming, February 16th, was one of the best days of my life. I felt so much joy and love for you instantly. Your daddy and I were so excited, grateful, and surprised that you came to us so quickly. I remember seeing you on the ultrasound screen and feeling you for the very first time around 16 weeks, wow did that make mommy happy! Then seeing you again a little later smile on the screen when mommy started to talk ...... that beautiful moment I will NEVER forget, I cannot even begin to describe it!
It seemed like it would take forever before we got to meet you. Now here we are sweet little diva in the month of October, your birth month. Mommy wants you in her arms so badly she can barley stand it! Before all the excitement begins with your birth, I just wanted to let you know what an honor it has been carrying you in my tummy. I am going to miss feeling your hiccups (a lot) and your cute little feet pressed up against the outside of my belly. I am also going to miss special "morning moments" you have with daddy when you kick him and play while mommy is still trying to sleep. I have loved having you with me at all times knowing that I am responsible for your safety.
Daddy and I love you sweet baby and promise to always love and protect you for the rest of our lives. You have a mommy, daddy, three sisters, grandparents and more waiting for you to come into the world with open loving arms. Love you always and forever,
Dear Baby,
The day I found out you were coming, February 16th, was one of the best days of my life. I felt so much joy and love for you instantly. Your daddy and I were so excited, grateful, and surprised that you came to us so quickly. I remember seeing you on the ultrasound screen and feeling you for the very first time around 16 weeks, wow did that make mommy happy! Then seeing you again a little later smile on the screen when mommy started to talk ...... that beautiful moment I will NEVER forget, I cannot even begin to describe it!
It seemed like it would take forever before we got to meet you. Now here we are sweet little diva in the month of October, your birth month. Mommy wants you in her arms so badly she can barley stand it! Before all the excitement begins with your birth, I just wanted to let you know what an honor it has been carrying you in my tummy. I am going to miss feeling your hiccups (a lot) and your cute little feet pressed up against the outside of my belly. I am also going to miss special "morning moments" you have with daddy when you kick him and play while mommy is still trying to sleep. I have loved having you with me at all times knowing that I am responsible for your safety.
Daddy and I love you sweet baby and promise to always love and protect you for the rest of our lives. You have a mommy, daddy, three sisters, grandparents and more waiting for you to come into the world with open loving arms. Love you always and forever,
Friday, September 28, 2012
My long week
My week has been pretty full and I cannot believe it is already Friday! So many things have happened I am just going to unload it all in one post.
Triplet news Last Friday the girls had a successful birthday party at our house. There were a total of 13 screaming girls here ages 4-12! We set up the basement as a semi dance floor strobe lights and all. When the Mr. went down there he may or may not have been tackled/kicked/trampled on. We also set up a fire pit and ended the night with a little Barbie Pop star, which has been labeled "a morning movie before mommy and daddy get up" we did our duty watching it once. Whatever happened to watching the disney classics over and over again?
Sunday we went to their favorite Habachi grill to celebrate with just family. We wanted to give the girls a special "birthday weekend" since the little one is making her debut soon she will be a little demanding to say the least!

I also wanted to get my fall decor out of the way this week because who knows what could happen as far as labor and I need the rest of the time to get her things in order. So I ask you decor gurus, do you decorate for Halloween and Fall together? Decorate for Halloween first then fall in November? Or what?! This year I'd like to get it all out since October is pretty much shot with baby and recovery. Here is what I have thus far.
& Yes I am OCD and had already switched the monogram pumpkin around twice in these pictures.
Happy Friday friends! Tonight Mr. and I are going to a fancy pants restaurant for our anniversary. This weekend mom and I are headed up to Buy Buy baby to finish up what I still need and Sunday will be snuggling up and watching football, and Once upon a Time premiere just taking it easy!
Triplet news Last Friday the girls had a successful birthday party at our house. There were a total of 13 screaming girls here ages 4-12! We set up the basement as a semi dance floor strobe lights and all. When the Mr. went down there he may or may not have been tackled/kicked/trampled on. We also set up a fire pit and ended the night with a little Barbie Pop star, which has been labeled "a morning movie before mommy and daddy get up" we did our duty watching it once. Whatever happened to watching the disney classics over and over again?
Sunday we went to their favorite Habachi grill to celebrate with just family. We wanted to give the girls a special "birthday weekend" since the little one is making her debut soon she will be a little demanding to say the least!
In little diva news nesting is under way in full force. All of her cloths have been washed, bags for the hospital mostly packed, besides items I ordered or last minute stuff that will be thrown in. I have been organizing everything to make more room for her in the closets, drawers, kitchen etc. I also really need to get the trips an organization station built in the basement for them to put their pricey stuff up so the baby's stuff and theirs aren't combined.
We had a scare. Last night after the trips did their homework and went to play I took more time to nest (of course). I thought it was a good idea to carry multiple heavy bags down the steps. Wrong. At around the fourth step to the bottom I fell forwarded to the floor on my knees, heavy bags intact.....Never have fallen this way before, glad I did. No stomach trauma, but did fall with a pretty good force. I felt her pretty much right after but still didn't want to risk anything damaging so I called. The crappy part was that I had the trips to myself because the Mr. was at work late and I couldn't get ahold of him. The Dr. wanted me to come in and get hooked up to the monitor. So off we all went. They brought their new Nabi toys and were pretty well behaved as usual. Finally, got ahold of the Mr. and like lightening speed he was there, in a hot suit and all (accepted an award that night). Baby was 100% OK. I stayed hooked up for an hour and half heard her heart beat and her famous hiccups on the monitor, it was peaceful in a way after the family left (by my demand and against his will to put the trips to bed after Dr pretty much cleared me), just baby and I. My Dr. said he is going to put the brakes on me if I don't try to take it easy! I am so thankful everything is ok and will be extra careful from here on out.
For the anniversary we had year old wedding cake which actually wasn't bad. For the Mr.'s gift I fully stocked his bar and worked on his "man cave" in the basement. I bought Johnnie blue label which is a very expensive scotch & wow, his eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store! Not a typical gift I would give, a bunch of booze but I figured with another diva almost here he deserved an upgrade to his man cave. He is having the guys over Saturday to watch football, play ps2 games and shoot pool so I thought it was the perfect time to work on it. I will be hiding the scotch though, that is to be pulled out by him for special occasions!
Lilly trying to steal cake |
& Yes I am OCD and had already switched the monogram pumpkin around twice in these pictures.
Happy Friday friends! Tonight Mr. and I are going to a fancy pants restaurant for our anniversary. This weekend mom and I are headed up to Buy Buy baby to finish up what I still need and Sunday will be snuggling up and watching football, and Once upon a Time premiere just taking it easy!
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